Learn More About KuneKunes

An amazing, friendly little pig.

KuneKune piglets

Kunekune Pig is a breed known as the Māori Pig. Meaning “fat and round” in the Māori

Language. First discovered in New Zealand. After near extinction during the 1970’s, Michael

Willis and John Simister begin the conservation process of bringing them back from near

extinction. The breed has since been distributed across New Zealand, Great Britain, Europe, US, and Canada.

They are relatively small with females averaging 100 to 175 pounds and males averaging 200 to 250+ pounds. They come in a variety of colors and hair textures. Their ears can be pricked or semi-lop and 2 wattles. They have a short, upturned snouts that is designed by nature for

grazing. They are very docile, non-rooting, low maintenance, no smell, and very smart.

They are the only true grazing pig. Ideal for small farms. They can be raised on grass alone, but

do better with grain and supplements, especially during the winter month when grass may be

at a minimum.

As with all pigs they do not sweat and can get sun burn, so pool or mud wallow and

shelter/shade is needed for hot summer month.

They make great pets as well as a great meat pig with perfect meat to fat ratio. Highly used in

gourmet chefs, caterers, and barbecue cookoff chefs.